1/11/24 Minutes

January 11th, 2024 Minutes
Opened 7:30

BoD Officer Elections:
President - Brett/Vyse - unapposed -
For: 6, Abstain: 0, Against: 1
Treasurer - John - unapposed -
For: 6, Abstain: 1, Against: 0
Secretary - Stephanie/Aleonna - unapposed -
For: 6, Abstain: 1, Against: 0

Treasurer’s report:
John will post later today or tomorrowin the treasurer’s report channel, to be added here.

NPO Update:
We’re complete with the IRS 1024, except for the part on finances, which John has finally gotten the answers he needed fromt he IRS to complete that part, yesterday, 1/10/24. Once that is to me, I’ll submit the 1024 for official federal recognition, which will make us federally an NPO. We will need to still submit the TX Form AP-204 for recognition from Texas, but we can’t do that until we have our letter from the IRS. IRS site says 6-8 weeks for the 1024 turnaround, but with us in Tax Season, this may take longer. The state is pretty quick, so fingers crossed, we’re done by April.

Parks must have their stuff in by Jan 15th at 11:59pm. I have already gotten with Gequinn to send the park PMs their passwords, and he said he was on it. If you get with your park and they still do not have it, message me so I can kick Gequinn in the virtual butt, but also so we can extend them if they need it. I’ll have pairings posted tonight so that we know who is working with who. You do not have to do it together, but your findings should match. If they do not, try to figure out why, and if we need a 3rd person to look at it, we can.

I messaged Gequinn that I need new login info for everyone, so we should all be getting that in the nex few days.

We talked in November about the idea of additional non-park affiliated Directors, since bylaws allow up to 15, so we have more people for ideas and quorum. Everyone seemed to like the idea, and Aleonna posted it to the Kingdom page, but nobody seemed interested there. We do have someone interested in Skywatch, though. This will be brought up at althing to give more notice, and so that it can go out for immediate vote (no sitting for 30 days) at the february althing.

Closed 7:49
Next meeting is set forth on February 8th @ 7:30, but a poll will be going up to see if this day and time still works for everyone.

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