10/13/22 BoD Meeting Minutes

October 13th, 2022 Meeting.
Meeting starts at 7:49 pm.

Discussion on 30 days requirement for NDA for Board members. Changed requirement to “must be willing to sign the NDA within 14 days of being elected to office or before their first meeting, whichever comes first.”

Aleonna of Skywatch was elected to Board Secretary, 4 for, 1 abstain.

Moonlit Meadows has filed a formal complaint to the BoD -------, as they will not hand over records or financials to Moonlit Meadows current monarchy. Will attempt to be resolved first by Uther. If not resolved within 30 days from conatact, then actions will be taken.

A 3 month extension of dues will be given to Moonlit Meadows, as they don’t have access to their financials, currently.

Discussion to possibly move days for meetings, as Thurdays no longer work for everyone. Poll has been placed with options, available through October 17th.

Discussion on Discord admins to be tabled.

Discussion on the FB poll for GP corporation name tabled.

The lack of audit process for Kingdom was brought up, Uther has opted to develop process.

Bylaw items:
- 1.01 Corporation name. Tabled.
- Article 4 voting members defined.
- 4.04 Qualifications requiring background checks. Removed for now pending tabled discussion at next meeting.
- 4.08 Rounding for quorum numbers. Percentages will be rounded down to whole number.
- 4.08 Super majority technicality, added BoD to definition
- Article 5, nowhere says if officers have more than 1 vote if holding officer and director positions. Declared only the one.
- 5.02 Officer elections process defined.
- President’s voting rights. Declared that president counts as voting for qourum numbers, but only votes in event of hung vote. If president is present, Treasurer gets to vote, but if the president is absent, the treasurer is the hung vote decider, and they only count for quroum numbers.
- 7.03 Conflict of interest policy should be officially referenced.
- Article 10 AI BoD whistleblower policy needs to be determined where placed. Tabled.
- Article 11 is redundant as it’s already in section 7.05. Will remove Article 11.
- 9.05 states all deliberations will be made public, but doesn’t specify when “once accepted is”. Decided that minutes will sit for 30 days. Once any issues are resolved for sake of confidentiality, they will be posted.
- We do not have a section on dissolution of the Board. Aleonna will write up a proposed section to present at next meeting.

Voting on bylways has been tabled until next meeting, pending discussion of corporation name, background checks, and AI BoD whistleblower policy, and approval of dissolution section.

Next meeting will be set for November 10th, at 7:30 pm. However, pending poll results for possible new meeting day, Nevon will alert us with minimum 2 weeks notice, if changed.

Meeting closed at 9:14.

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