9/16/2023 weaponmaster

-Nine Willows Weapon Master Results-


Chibbles - 2

John John - 4

Travok - 6

Alich - 3

Robert - 3

Gequinn - 7

Iggy - 5

Valance - 11

Sithe - 2

Verity - 2

Thrash - 2

Single Short

1st - Gequinn

2nd - Valance

3rd - Travok


1st - Gequinn

2nd - Valance

3rd - Sithe (GET EM!!)

Sword and Board

1st - Iggy

2nd - John John

3rd - Gequinn

Great Weapon

1st - John John

2nd - Thrash (First day)

3rd - Valance


1st - Valance

2nd - John John

3rd - Gequinn

-Weapon Master-

1st/2nd - Gequinn and Valance (Tied at 8 points)

3rd - John John (7 points)