All thing 7/24/2022

All thing opens at 7:35

Old Business


Motioned to close, seconded and tabled for next all things!

New Business

Hub City con,

Equipment, we are missing a lot of the necessary equipment to attend the con

Can we go to the con? Possibly if we gathered the materials an emergency all thing was suggest along with an emergency vote.

What do we need in equipment? 30 single shorts and 45 people as volunteers

Could we ask other parks, if the other parks weapons get destroyed than we don’t have the foam to replace

We also will not have the man power for the next week, as we’ve been asked to do security.

We could reach out to kamal and charge 2$ and split the amount and see if they can get come to kingdom if we split the proceeds.

Can we get income off of everything or just the tournament.

Now again equipment. We would need 30 swords for the con.

We talked to each member in the discord and each person brought forward their concerns and the popuas have decided to have post pon the decision and speak to multiple people in the next week.

We need to have an emergency all thing along with an emergency vote. The following week.

No more new business


5 dollar hot dogs

Kingdom Coronation on 8/26 to 8/28

Kingdom Crown on 8/13.

All thing closes at 8:35