Allthing 9/4/2022

Allthing starts at: 7:06

Old business:

PayPal: who controls the account, because we’ve voted on an old all thing to set up a pay pal account. The BOD rep needs to be in the conversation, does BOD REP need to have name on it. Motioned to table, seconded. At the next all thing.

New business:

Regent: we need a pro temp regent!!! Ryujin talked to Fumbles and he agreed to step up and take the position. Avoiding new players!

New con: west Texas comic con, Saphira reached out, before we get to the next con we should get business cards. Fumbles has a new players card and ayoben has business cards in the irongate stuff. QR code is good addition. Get Irongate set up before we build a surplus for cons.

Seige weapon challenge:

Some people took interest in the the challenge poll needed if interested. On Saturday after park we will do a meet up to get the decisions made and we will look at funding.

Getting Irongate dates correct:

Last day of intent September 17th

Election on the September 24th

Crown tournament on October 8th

End reign on October 22nd


Who is interested in being in office at irongate, and wants to learn a position?

bowmageddon October 15th at OW ribble

All thing ends at: 7:54