Allthing Minitues Jan- June 2024

Jan 2024 Allthing.pdf (381.0 KB)

Feb All thing Lost/Misplaced

March All Thing Lost/ Misplaced

Apr Allthing
All thing opens 2:50 pm

-Topics for decussion

No Old news

Current News

Volunteers for Murder of crows and yc3 volunteers

-MOC Gate volunteers Friday’s during day

-MOC Feast volinteer looking for Kitchen help, Serve and Trash/Dishes

-Volunteers for yc3

Looking for help Fri/Sat/Sun 4/19/24-4/21/24

Posting intent due by next weekend Closes EOD 4/21/24

Intent for new monarchy

Sir boots monarch (Publicly posted intent 4/14/24)

Sir Jettick regent (Publicly posted intent 4/14/24)

Sir neon champion (Intent posted in Comment on 4/14/24 under Kimberly Michelle Nixon post)

Close of current business


Set up yc3 starts at 1030 for set up to be ready to go by noon Friday April 19

Raffle stickers & extra Class credits to Volunteers

Needing a Display table for showcase/art table/bardic

All thing closes at 3pm

May All thing

All-thing opens at 2:27

Old news

we have the volunteers needed for Murder of Crows gate

Current News

Election results

Sir Boots for Park Monarch:10 yes 2 no and 1 obstained

Sir Boots passes and will be our new incoming park Monarch

Sir Jeddak for Park Regent: 10 yes 2 no 1 obstained

Sir Jeddak passes and will be our new incoming Regent

Sir Neon for park Champion: 12 yes 0 no 1 obstained

Sir Neon passes and will be our new incoming champion

Give a big congrats to incoming monarchy when you see them!

Guild Master Discussion-tabled 1 month from now pending new rule book vote will remain on docket


Murder of Crows is less than a month away LETS GOO!!!

and planning a Raid on Alpine June 22 would like to get a good showing for the raid (Sir Cato’s Park) if your following the RP

Mumbles brought up he is still in need of Volunteers for a haunted house and we would like to see a showing of support he is looking for members who will be paid and fed for their time if your interested tag me in this post so i might get a count.

Close of all-thing 2:40

June Allthing

Allthing Opens


jeddak states that he is a figure head.

Old business

Profit was around $322.50 for both parks. Signing were around 130 for MoC 5 kingdoms showed up.

Neon commented on the heat. Firestorm will post official notes on the page.

Jeddak asked if people didn’t get recognized for service at MoC to let jeddak or boots know

New business -

22nd guacamelee kingdom event

29th raid of burning lands

29th - non men’s Fighting classes in Lubbock - foxy will share event to park page

30th weaponmaster

Cottonwood fair coming up - checking on booth space deadlines. Will find out dates

Amtgard skipping amacon most likey but will find out if the con team is anticipating to run a booth at amacon

Neon’s battlegame plans – only for RC

-Games will have boundaries if you are out excessively you will be dead

-no fighting on or around the sidewalk

-When kids fight with adults - don’t come talk to neon, adults need to call out children and aid the children in their learning.

  • if you take a death on a wound you now have a double death count

  • 100 count heal and mend at base --one at a time

-late entries to games if allowed to enter you will be entering as a peasant.

  • sash rules are in effect. Without sashes you will be a peasant.

  • look the part no jeans

  • neon will have enchantments and talismans to award for trivia questions answered correctly

  • talismans will be in effect for the reign


  • intents for pm and gmr are due one month before midreign. Firestorm willing to run again but welcomes running against others.

Jeddak – has no business

Guild masters – if wanted to push will need to vote – decided to gather via posted intents first then vote elect other guild masters if no position was found

Guild masters – take pride in position

Von- Monk

Methius - Assassin

Laufi - Warrior

Foxy - Healer

Firestorm - Druid

Neon - Paladin

Jeddak - anti paladin

Neon - barbarian

Methius - wizard

Firestorm - Archer

Zander - bard

Ping Lord - scout

Allthing closed at 2:47