Evermore Hollow Allthing Minutes 1-11-25
Allthing opens @ 3:47 p.m.
Old Business:
- Cole Center is unavailable for Midreign dates. Regents Emerald and Kymora of Ravens Cross will scout out potential locations with the Library on Tuesday. (14th)
New Business:
Looking to purchase 12 Walkies for MOC - approx. $100
- Split cost with RC for supplies for M.O.C
Vote next month to allocate Scareground Fundraiser Money to cover the cost of M.O.C.
Vote next month to pull $500 from coffers for Midreign Costs - Costs to be split with RC.
- Tentative Budget of $200 for a site, $300 for the feast
Volunteers and Crats still needed for M.O.C.
Volunteers needed for Build nights and helping the Con Team with YC3 (Apr. 11-13)
Kingdom Crown Tournament - Lubbock - Feb. 1
EH/RC Midreign & Dragonmaster - TBD (pending site acquisition)
Kingdom Endreign - Brownfield - Feb. 15
Allthing closed @ 4:04 p.m.
Allthing minutes posted to the Kingdom of the Golden Plains Forums