Allthing Minutes 10/19/2024

Allthing Minutes 10/19/2024

Allthing Opens @ 3:03 pm

Old Business

Vote to pull $150 from coffers to help cover Endreign Feast in conjunction with Ravens Cross.

Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 0

Motion passes

New Business

Continued Need for Volunteers for the Scaregrounds

Potential for an increased number of funds over what was originally thought, at $3,400 for Evermore Hollow and Ravens Cross.

However, this is contingent upon having volunteers for each night we are scheduled otherwise there will be a $55 deduction per person.

It was also noted that the potential funds from the Scaregrounds could be used to fund most of, if not all, of Murder of Crows in perpetuity.

The dates for volunteering:

Oct. 25th, Nov. 1st, (potentially Oct. 31st as well, but waiting upon Baron Avalbane’s confirmation)

Endreign Feast Volunteers

If you are looking to help prepare or serve feast, please get with Regent Emerald to help.


Oct. 26th - Last Day to place intent for Baron, Regent, and Champion

Nov. 1st& 2nd - Maize Maze in Las Cruces, NM

Nov. 9th - Evermore Hollow Elections

Nov. 16th - Kingdom Midreign and Dragonmaster @ Brownfield

Cooking competition for Sides and Desserts – judging by the popular populous vote

Nov. 23rd - Evermore Hollow Crown Tournament

Dec. 7th - Evermore Hollow/Ravens Cross Joint Endreign, Class Guild Master Elections

Motion to close Allthing

Allthing Closed @ 3:15 pm

Allthing Minutes Posted to GP Forums