Allthing Minutes 8/12/18

3:32- Allthing opened
Only old business is regarding a rules clarification, which will be available online
3:33- Uther states that he has 5 proposals to bring to the Allthing
#1- For late audits to be unable to get a “Superior” grade
3:34- Proposal #2- to give $1,000 to AI
A full budget of where the money will go is available on the CoM page
The Kingdom coffers can handle the payment
80% of this money will go towards the legal fight regarding the name “Amtgard”
3:35- Proposal #3 is to allow online voting at the park level
For local park online voting, a local PM will be able to receive votes directly from the Populace emails
3:36- Proposal #4 is to have a discussion regarding changing how Qualls works
Instead of the A&S and Warskill requirements, a candidate must run, reeve, or judge events like Weaponmaster, Dragonmaster, etc.
3:37- Candidates must still be dues paid and active as well as Reeve and Corpora certified
the qualification process would also include statecraft questions
3:38- Statecraft questions would pertain to Kingdom or local issues
3:39- A full post regarding this change will be posted at a later date
Nai states that she believes that the number of points required to Quall is too much, and that we should continue to require candidates to participate in Warskill and A&S in order to keep interest in those tournaments
3:40- Uther states that the change was asked for by citizens of Skywatch, Evermore Hollow, and Irongate, as very few people have qualified with our current requirements
3:42- Hern states that Qualls is just a popularity contest. He continues by stating that one does not need to be good at Warskill and A&S in order to be a good monarch
3:43- Safire states that she disagrees with Nai, stating that one shouldn’t need to enter A&S and Warskill to qualify for monarchy. She continued by stating that a Monarch may have no interest in either
3:44- Uther states that forcing a candidate to display leadership qualities in order to qualify, we would foster leadership in the kingdom
Uther also states that we would be the fourth kingdom to do away with a traditional Qualls process if this passes.
3:45- Uther states that Crystal Groves, Goldenvale, and Emerald Hills all have a non traditional Qualls process
Emerald Hills first had it on a trial run, then liked it so much that they recently adopted it permanently
3:46- Uther clarifies that the running, reeving, or judging of an event for qualification may be done at local or kingdom level
3:47- He also states that the statecraft questions will be written by the outgoing monarchy
3:48- Uther believes that more people are likely to run in elections under these new requirements
3:49- Rhe possibility of implementing this change as a trial run is brought up
3:50- Proposal #5 is to bring up a discussion for our appeal process
AI lawyer stated that an appeal process should not be done by Allthing, as it is a vote of popularity, victims may have to be named, and it is lawsuit bait
3:51- Instead, he states that we should hand appeals to the BoD, as it is a more private process and the BoD is bound to privacy by law
3:52- BoD can announce the result without mentioning details
Nai suggests that more people should be added to the BoD temporarily for appeals, but Uther states that with the way the BoD is set up, we have plenty of people who will be neutral, and we cannot legally add more people to the BoD, even temporarily
3:53- No more new business
Nai states that we need reeves and a breakfast bid for Coronation
3:54- Allthing closed