Althing 1.18.2020

Althing 1.18.2020

3:33pm Althing Open per Baron Indanago

No Old Business.

New Business: Pro Tem Champion needed as Severek the Ignored has stepped down due to mundane obligations.

Dove Nominates Mithrawn. Mithrawn Accepts.
Zaros Nominates Nevon. Nevon Accepts

Thrawn: 4 Y 4 A 0 N
Nevon: 3 Y 3 A 1 N

Mithrawn voted new Pro Tem Champion. Champion box will be passed today at the park.

3:37 Go Fund Me for Grin is available online. Please share and donate as able.

Indanago requests $100 in funding to commission sword from Lancer Armory to give as a gift towards Grin as thanks for all of his hard work towards the park. Indanago is willing to negotiate the amount of funding.

3:39 Dove motions to table request until next althing. Vyse seconds.


New Corpora available online. Please read, and view discussion in comments on Kingdom page. Vote to be held in Lubbock on Sunday February 9th. Please get in touch with Dove to update Dues and/or update ORK with email for online voting process.

Black Bart (KPM) has extended our audit deadline until Jan 31st. All that is really missing to organize is Award pictures and financial log. After the due date, Dove will make a post asking for pictures of Awards from Midreign.

3:42 Nevon suggests to take pictures of awards before they are distributed at court.

3:43 Halfstar suggests recruitment drive at WTAMU New Student Orientation. Tezzeret is a student at WTAMU and can act as Liaison to request permission to hand out literature whilst dressed in garb on campus during the Orientation event.

3:44 Youth Policy for Amtgard is on Kingdom page, please follow the link and read the commentary. Parents will have to be out with children under 18 years of age, or sign legal documentation regarding “Temporary Guardianship”. 2 deep policy is in effect.

3:47 Zaros motion to close Althing. Indy and Mithrawn second.