Althing 1.19.19

Allthing 1.19.19

4:19 Althing opened by Baron Severek

Any old business? None.

New business?

16th of March is Endreign. Quals 2 weeks before that.

Indy moves to put on docket for next althing as a vote; Use coffer money for deposit on venue location.


Anubis states that the Lightsaber Tournament on 1.19.19 paid for feast from 12.15.18, including Grin’s $100 donation to coffers.

Gladitorial Tournament set for 2.16.19

$1 per category, 7 Category. Going to have “weapon draw” system. What you draw is what you get.

4:23 Krassus asks about 2 man teams for tournament, Anubis states he will consider adding them to the options. Dragon master also held at the park 2.16.19

Dove announces she is open to taking a scribe for the next six months to shadow her during this next audit process. Will show how to use Ork and other PM tools.

Extension for Audit was requested due to new information being located and technical difficulties uploading material. Extension due 1.25.19

4:26 Rc Midreign and Tri 1.26.19 Hosting Dragonmaster and a Tournament at memorial Park 12 PM.

Krassus Motion to close

Dove seconded.


Allthing Close