Althing 11/4/23

Allthing Minutes 11/4/23

Revna motions to open
Ivar seconded
Opens at 3:04

Old Business
No news of the Creative Flyers, yet.
The last day for placing intent for Regent is today!
Monarch gaining Administration access for the Facebook group as a second
6-Yes 0-No 2-Abstain
Motion passes
Park BoD Rep is still needed! We have until the 12th to vote on a representative.
No update yet on adding Kamal as a second on Bank account.

New Business
No new business

Kingdom Midreign 11/11
Crown Tourney and Elections will be 11/18
Blackstone Cup starts today
EH/RC Endreign will be 12/2
Best of the Best is 1/13
EH made $294 at Cottonwood Faire which will be added to our coffers!

Ivar motions to close
Revna seconded
Closed at 3:20

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