Althing 12.21.2019
4:40PM Althing Opened per Baron Indanago
No Old Business- Anubis never got back to Indy on fundraiser.
No althing prior to midreign
-Rakdos Carnival games
-Dimir Gambling
4:41pm Announcements
Game of Go: Eoghan is the founder of House of Stones, and is hosting a tournament at Midreign in order to win the Relic.
Relic has 2 properties: Rule of Ko- activates contingency, Rule of Liberty- Activates Iron will. Full Amulet write up posted on event discussion page, or see Dove (EH Chapter Head of House of Stones), or Indanago
Winner of Go Tournament at Midreign gets to claim Relic Amulet as their own, until challenged again.
DragonMaster will be hosted at joint Midreign. There will be two (2) first place winners. Highest score from each park.
Feast will be at the Cole community Center. Games will be at Connor Park
There will be a vegetable soup option for those that do not wish to partake in meat festivities.
4:43pm Please Mark Going to accommodate food preparation and seating/food arrangements. Decor will be provided, but please decorate on top of said decor to enhance flavor.
There will be a “Best Table” trophy for Guild Tables
There will be a “Best Garb” prize at Endreign. Themed Ravnica Garb
4:45 Award recommendations, message Indanago,Spork, Kamal, or Ahnaka (SKIT), awards will be considered.
4:46 Indy motion to close, Kamal Seconded.
Althing Closed.