Althing (4/2023)

Althing open at 2:51

Old business:
YC3 funds still need to be pulled out
Voting open to pull out $150 for YC3: 6 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain
Flyers still need to be printed and handed out. Nala will attempt to make some flyers to present at the next althing.

New business:
Funds for Endreign need to be pulled out ($250). The mocktail bar will also be included in that.
Endreign will be at the Cole Center and an event post will be up in early May.
May 13th will be the next althing.

April 21-23: YC3
May 6: last day to place intent for monarchy
May 13: Kingdom tourney and althing
May 20: Kingdom Midreign and voting for oncoming monarchy
June 3: EH Crown Tourney
June 2-4: RC Endreign
June 10: Althing
June 17: EH Endreign

Althing closed at 3:06

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