Althing 8.17.19

Kamal Calls althing due to Regent and Monarch unable to host.

No old business.

New Business:

Regent Lilith is anticipating expenses for EH endreign (sept 28th) to total up to $200.
Adding to docket to Vote in September Althing: Vote to release reimbursement funds from coffers up to $200, receipts permitting.

Moving on to Announcements:

Intent for office deadline August 31st
Dues deadline Sept 7th
Quals sept 14th

4:50 Feast Sept 28th needs Volunteers to setup building and feast @5pm sharp. Report to lilith.
Tezzeret and Nala Volunteer

Award Recommendations!! Turn into Lilith or Anubis

Kingdom Coronation August 24th

Sept 7th is Hades Olympia Festival
Bring your a&s to show it off, dress greek, olympic style games (shotput etc)
Event page up.

Sept 28th is coronation feast at 6:30, doors open 6:00pm

EH needs a Food Fight Representative. Accepting nominations, or just step up to the plate(haha)

Raquel/Dove is kingdom Food Fight Rep 2019. Information will be posted on Kingdom page this weekend. All information reported through her for main cause. Have until Aug 31st to declare selves.
Hub city weekend Aug 23rd Hub City
Pause for Rain

Tez Volunteers for food fight rep
Food does not have to be purchased. You can donate household pantry items.
Food items are a 10th of a point, Cash counts as full amount. Cash, food, and service hours worked go towards end of month tally.

Dove: Wait until Kingdom post is up before signing up to do any service hours to make sure type and place is approved via Food Fight requirements.

Mithrawn: Said will check with Walmart boss to see if sponsorship available. May need “cover letter” or equivalent.

Make sure when asking for donations outside amtgard to specify that Amtgard is simply a liason for this food drive. We do not receive any profits from this, all in the name of fun, and for the sake of helping local food pantries.

Dove will make Kingdom post for FF info.
//random side conversation//
Kamal motioned to close althing
Indy Seconded