Althing 9/11/22

Open 1:44pm
Old Business:
Possible boffer pit at come-on with nine willows (will discuss next Althing)

New Business:
Arid Sun end reign being moved to October 2nd

Voting for Sherrif, Champion, and GMR

For Sherif: Raegar 6 yes 0 no 0 abstain
For Champion: Dribbles 6 yes 0 no 0 abstain
For GMR: Mika 5 yes 1 no 0 abstain

Motion to close Althing by Mika, second by Siri
Althing closed at 2:23pm

I have moved this post from the Other Discussion category to the Arid Sun Chapters category.

@Stormflower , please be sure to place posts in the correct category as correct placement is very helpful during audits.

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