Althing Minutes (12/2023)

Althing minutes 12/9/23

Open 2:34

Old business 2:35

Kamal was added to the bank account on 12/8/23

New Business 2:36

Vote on joint endreign w/RC in June.

3day event at Mariposa.

Yes -7

No- 0

Abstain - 1

Waiting on online votes


PDD for Kamals trinkets and coins will roll out in about 2 weeks.

Announcements 2:39

Bardic at RC 12/10/23

Best of the Best 1/13/23

Nala to be knighted

Kingdom Endreign 2/24/23

EH Midreign 3/23/23

Weapon master next week

2:41 motion to close by Revna

2nd by Vyse