Althing minutes (2/2023)

Allthing Minutes 2/11/23

Althing open at 2:00 PM

Old Business

Voting to move back to Conner Park

3-Yes 0-no 0-abstain

Motion passes and we will be moving back to Conner Park effective 2/18/23

Making Flyers for Park Promo

We will discuss this further, see the prototypes next week and vote on them next Allthing on 3/11/23

Voting open to pull out $250 for Midreign feast which any remaining funds will be returned to coffers with receipts

3-Yes 0-No 0-Abstain

Voting open to keep Sir Vyse Blackwood as GPBOD Rep

3-Yes 0-No 0-Abstain

New Business

PM & GMR Elections will be held at Kingdom Endreign

Online voting will be available as long as you are dues paid and must private message PM Edris Firethorn (Ashlei Hastings) to place vote

Will be held at Conner Park for park activities and Dragonmaster

Feast and Court will be located at The Depot

Midreign will be a 4 credit event!

Gate Fee will be $20 and will include an All Day Drink Pass at our mocktail bar. Menu is TBD!

Get with Regent Revna if you have any food allergies so we may accommodate for you

We will also have tea, lavender lemonade, and water available

Games TBD

Itinerary TBD

We are also looking for Dragonmaster judges please get with Regent Revna if you would like to help!


Next month’s Allthing is March 11th

Give a member of monarchy your awards recommendations if you have seen anyone do anything cool, made anything cool, or did an awesome job helping the park! We wanna recognize the awesome work!

Kingdom Endreign will be February 25th

Our Endreign will be June 17th

Last day to place intent for Baron, Regent, and Champion will be April 29th and voting will be May 13th

Althing closed at 2:30

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