Althing open at 3:01pm
Old business:
Motion to require Baron, PM, and GMR to be admin of the Facebook page. Kamal motions to vote, Nala seconds.
Votes are: 6 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain
Motion passes
Volunteers are still needed for MoC. We will need the following:
Jugging Volunteers
Stone counters
Score keepers
Security and Trash
Gate for Friday
Last day for intent for Baron/Regent/Champion-5/11
So far we have Avalbane running for Baron and Emerald for Regent.
Elections for Baron, Regent, Champion, and GM will be 5/18.
New business:
Alpine, TX Raid will be 6/22
Craft nights for MoC will be on Fridays, please contact Uhtred and Avalbane for more details.
5/11-Kingdom Midreign and Dragonmaster
5/18-EH Elections
5/25-EH Crown Tourney
5/26-RC Crown Tourney
7/18-7/21:Gathering of the Kingdoms/Clan
Uhtred has offered to help haul gear to GotK.
Revna motions to close
Kamal seconds
Closed at 3:14pm