Althing Mintues for Nine Willows 08/31/2019
Open at 15:15
Food fight represintive needed for Sept FF. Reagar volunteered.
Announced that other parks contacted have agreed to doing the Gathering, where and when TBA.
Oct 5th and 6th, War with EH @Phantom Lake Park
End Reign is Oct 26th at Midland College. Quals will be 2 weeks prior (Oct 12th), all intents to run for office are due by Oct 5th.
Food Fight:
Plans are for a dollar tournament, iron man style, $1 per life.
Possibly a bake sale?
Donations will be going to the West Texas Food Bank in Midland.
Canned goods and monetary donations are welcome!
Further updates will be posted on facebook.
Closed at 15:25