A new vote has been sent out that will run from Sunday at midnight, March 26th to Sunday, April 2nd at 11:59 PM. If you or anyone you know is dues paid, eligible to vote, have opted-in to online voting and have not received an email invitation for this ballot, please let me and your park’s PM know.
You will want to send me a private message here on the forums, on Telegram @QuinquagintaquadringentilIiardth, or on Discord at Astrenemis#9761 (note, Discord is not a reliable way to contact me and I may not see any messages for several days or weeks at a time) with your first and last name, your persona name, and a valid email address that can be used to send these ballots to.
You will also want to share the same information with your park’s PM so that they can update their dues paid and online voting lists. They will then need to send me their updated list so that I can make any changes to the kingdom’s master spreadsheet.