Irongate Althing 3-24-19

IG Allthing 3/24/19

Allthing called 1556 by Regent Badger

Allthing closed 1614 by Badger seconded by Safire

New Business: Springboard play sponsored by IG requesting loaner armor and weapons

Last Play: Hobo Vengeance, possible recruitment opportunity date to be announced

Badger requests full reimbursement for feast up to $100

Intent to run ends at Midnight, no one currently running for regent.

Old Business: none


Kingdom Weaponmaster 3-30-19

Last Day to pay dues 3-31-19

Quals 4-7-19 Need Judges!

Endreign 4-29-19 @ Tech Terrace

Need servers for feast

No weapons at feast

No one in park knows how many days are in March

Nine Willows Quals 4-6-19

No one cares about Nine Willows