Irongate Election Althing 4-7-2019

Irongate Althing opened by Regent Badger at 5:58pm

New Business:

Regent Badger qualifies to become Duke. He runs unopposed and will be the next Duke of Irongate.

No one ran for Irongate Regent:

Badger opens nominations for Pro-tem Regent:

Murder Pants is nominated by Safire Moon, Badger seconds.

Murder Pants accepts Nomination.

Badger opens nominations for Pro-tem Champion:

Breezy is nominated by Badger, Safire Moon seconds.

Motion closed nominations by Uther, Badger seconds.

Safire Moon motions to vote via acclimation instead of closed ballot, Uther seconds.


5 in favor

1 against

0 abstain

Motion carries. Pro-tem Officers will he voted in by acclimation.

Badger opens the vote for Murder Pants for Pro-tem Regent:

7 in favor

1 against

0 abstains

Badger opens the vote for Breezy for Pro-tem Champion:

7 in favor

2 against

0 abstain

No further new business.

No old business.

No announcements.

Uther motions to close the Althing, Meliodas seconds.

7 in favor

2 against

0 abstain

Irongate Althing closes at 6:08pm