Kingdom Althing 7-16-2022

Kingdom althing opened by Kingdom Regent Rainai at 7:00pm via Kingdom Discord.

Old Business:

Sultan Kamals requests $1,400 to cover any and all costs associated with the 30 Year Coronation event. This item has been on the docket for 30 days. Motion to vote by Redbeard, seconded by Uther.

New Business:

Safire Moon motions that the Kingdom end Online signins. The reason for this request is due to the new Kingdom licensing agreement passing. Redbeard seconds the motion. Item is placed on the docket for a 30 day review.

Safire Moon requests $500 from the Kingdom fund to pay the new yearly Amtgard International licensing fee. Seconded by Uther. Motion put on the docket for 30 day review.


Safire Moon, the Golden Plains Senator gives an overview of what was discussed and voted on at the Circle of Monarchs meeting. She will be making a full report on the Kingdom group asap.

Skywatch Coronation event July 23rd and 24th at Fort Phantom.

Kingdom Crown Tournament August 13th 2022

Kingdom Coronation event August 26 thru 28th at Brownfield.

Moonlit Meadow Coronation event September 24th thru 25th at park it was held at last year.

Redbeard motions to close the althing, Uther seconds,

Althing closes at 7:20pm via Discord.