Kingdom Althing Minutes for 03/09/2024

Minutes graciously taken by Zander.

Althing opened at 18:00

Posted and read over althing minutes from last month. Motion for Approval of althing minutes from last month made by Antininus, seconded by Saphira.
Vote to approve minutes 14 for, 0 against.

Old Business
Item 1 - Antininus removed his item until he can create a write up.
Item 2 - Antininus withdrew this proposal as it is no longer needed.
Item 3 - Antininus withdrew this proposal as it no longer needed.
Item 4 - Spork withdraws proposal as it is no longer needed.

New Business
Sent out vote to reinstate the Knighthood of Iggy.
Uther brought up a new kingdom website. Discusion for new kingdom website, Gequinn is willing to host the server for the kingdom website.

Spork announced kingdom weaponmaster 03/23 and kingdom midreign 05/11.
Kymora announced ravens cross/evermore hollows join midreign 03/23 & 03/24.
Kymora announced YC3 in amarillo 04/19 - 04/21.
Uhtred announced raffle for YC3 volunteers.
Volunteer sign-in on RC

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