Kingdom Vote for February 13th, 2024 - Corpora Changes and Amtgard International Fee

Voting measures taken from the recent althing notes:

to be put up for vote: (motioned by safire seconded by zander)
section 4.2
7) Should a member of the Circle of Knights be suspended for any reason their Knighthood is considered nullified during their suspension.
8) Knights who are returning from their suspension shall have the Knighthood reinstated by a simple majority vote at the next regularly scheduled Kingdom Althing.

Proposed change:
section 4.2
7) Should a member of the Circle of Knights receive a Kingdom level suspension from The Kingdom of the Golden Plains for any reason their Knighthood is considered nullified during their suspension.
8) Knights who are returning from their Kingdom level suspension shall have the Knighthood reinstated by a simple majority vote at the next regularly scheduled Kingdom Althing.

to be voted on: Pay AIBOD $500 motioned by zander seconded by uther

to be voted on : (motioned by safire seconded by Uther)
current verbiage:
7.4.2 – Elevation to Knighthood
1)A candidate for Knighthood may be interviewed by the Circle of Knights and given the chance to ask questions of the Circle regarding their candidacy.
a) Candidates for Knighthood may be recommended for elevation to the Kingdom Monarch by the Circle of Knights after receiving a 60% affirmative vote by the Circle of Knights.
proposed change:
7.4.2 – Elevation to Knighthood
1)A candidate for Knighthood may be interviewed by the Circle of Knights and given the chance to ask questions of the Circle regarding their candidacy.
a) Candidates for Knighthood may be recommended for elevation to the Kingdom Monarch by the Circle of Knights after receiving a 60% affirmative vote by the Circle of Knights.
i) Should the Circle of Knights deem it necessary to Nullify an existing Positive vote on a candidate, The circle of knights may hold a simple majority vote for that determination.
If the simple majority vote passes, the Circle of Knights will then revote on the Candidate following normal processes.

to be voted on : (motioned by zander seconded by uther)
6: Chapter Operations

6.1 – Chapters of the Golden Plains

10)All Chapters of the Kingdom of the Golden Plains which are of chapter rank Barony and above must also have the following officers: Reagent and Champion.

Change to:

10)All Chapters of the Kingdom of the Golden Plains may optionally also have the following officers: Regent and Champion.

Ballots are to be sent out via email on Tuesday, February 13th, 2024. The voting period will run for one week, closing on Tuesday, February 20th. The results of the election will be posted in a reply to this post on Tuesday, February 20th.

If you or anyone you know is dues paid, eligible to vote, have opted-in to online voting and have not received an email invitation for this ballot, please let me and your park’s PM know.

You will want to send me a private message here on the forums, via email at, on Telegram @QuinquagintaquadringentilIiardth , or on Discord at Astrenemis#9761 with 1. your first and last name, 2. your persona name, 3. your park name, and 4. a valid email address that can be used to send these ballots to.

The votes are in and here are the results:

  • Corpora Section 4.2 change:

    • For: 19
    • Against: 5
    • Abstain: 0
  • Corpora section 7.4.2 change:

    • For: 19
    • Against: 3
    • Abstain: 2
  • Corpora section 6 change:

    • For: 17
    • Against: 5
    • Abstain: 2
  • Amtgard International Fee:

    • For: 20
    • Against: 1
    • Abstain: 3

Here is a PDF (175.4 KB)
of the results if anybody is interested in viewing it.

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