Kingdom Vote for September 17th, 2024 - Usage of Kingdom Funds to Pay for Midreign

To be voted on: Using up to $450 of kingdom funds to pay for this reign’s midreign and dragonmaster event.

Ballots are to be sent out via email on Tuesday, September 17th, 2024. The voting period will run for one week, closing on Tuesday, September 24th. The results of the vote will be posted in a reply to this post on Wednesday, September 25th.

If you or anyone you know is dues paid, eligible to vote, have opted-in to online voting, and have not received an email invitation for this ballot, please let me AND your park’s PM know.

You will want to send me a private message here on the forums, via email at, on Telegram @QuinquagintaquadringentilIiardth, or on Discord at Astrenemis#9761 with the following information:

  1. your first and last name,
  2. your persona name,
  3. your park name, and,
  4. a valid email address that will be used to receive the ballot.

The votes are in and here are the results:

  • For: 13
  • Against: 1
  • Abstain: 0