Althing opened at 1530
Old Business
- No old business to go over.
New Business
Snow mentions the upcoming Permian Basin Comic Con in March. Invites everybody to come hang out at the booth and asks for volunteers to help run demos and games.
Tako asks when Endreign is. Bart says, “Uh, three months from now.”
Arathamus mentions starting a monthly “court night” for A&S, role-play, and general get-togethers.
Bart mentions that the Midland College Club Fair is coming up soon on Wednesday at the Student Center from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Please show up in garb if you are planning to attend. This will help with recruiting and for the Amtgard College Club.
A vote is brought up to discontinue searching for alternative parks to move to.
- For: 4
- Against: 0
- Abstain: 1
- Vote to remain at Hailey Park passes.
Six years of dumb conversation ensues.
Paddles lets everybody knows that he’s going to begin enforcing sashes and spell strips again. He will be trying to do more quest games.
Snow has acquired some inflatable terrain / obstacles for use with paintball. He is willing to bring them out and use them for games and the like.
No further business. Althing closes at 1542.