Ravens Cross July Althing


Open 4:20 pm
By Neon

Old Business

Keabler is awesome
Also Spork is
Neon opens for comments on move to Paramount Park
Zander commented that it is a good park, good shade, clean bathrooms, closer jungle gym, no major events
People talked about Pride
Neon talks about doing booth for events like Pride
Zander reminds Althing that AIBoD has stated rules regarding using Amtgard as a brand
Neon tables to go back to discussion regarding park
Ivar presents pros and cons
Neon asks if we want to risk growth to move parks
Keabler doesn’t want to move
Zander motions to amend petition to move parks into petition to move location
Seconded by Hiram
Motion passes

10 For
0 Opposed
2 Abstain

Neon: Guildmasters and class tests
Eligible to be GM if you have played class in the last 6 months
Teaching new players
Admin class tests
Working with champion on class games
We need to do GM elections
Spork asks to table until she can collate credits
Zander motions that we suspend elections for 1 week to allow PM time to make a list of people to vote for
Hiram and Sol Second

12 For
0 opposed
0 Against

Neon: Event is July 28th
Hiram asks if there will be feast, Neon says yes

No New Business


Ivar announces intent to run, Lokon and Briseis are running with him
Neon gives reminder about auction at Tri event to raise money to purchase things for the park
Keabler points out Nevons super sweet belt

Althing closed at 4:48

Sage offers Army tent for events