Ravens Cross November Althing


Old Business

No Althing in October due to there being no business to discuss
Ivar discusses function of Althing for newer players, RC will have last Sunday of every month.
Burger fundraiser every month

New Business

We are a Barony! Woo Hoo!
Discussion of ladder award system
Recruitment initiative Monkey is running: 6 sign ins gets you gets you a Monkey Tech weapon
Lokon is also offering belt frogs
Check RC page regularly
Current fundraisers for the purpose of purchasing heating devices for park and canvas tarps to create ambience and warmth (wind breaks, etc)


EH event Dec 15th (Midreign 3 yr Tri Anniversary)
Kingdom Endreign Feb 23rd
RC Midreign January 26th

Matching tunics for events would be adorable.

Zander has a cute butt

Althing closed at 3:18 pm