RC Althing 3-21-2021

5:00pm Althing Opened by Cynathia
No Old Business
New Business: Neon is stepping up to be new RC Prime Minister. The term is “Voluntold”.
Vote to transfer hold of money from Zander to Neon
(3 Dues Paid) Yes: 3
Motions passes.
5:01 Guildmaster vote. You do not need to be dues paid.
Archer: Open
Assassin: Neon
Bard: Progg/Tezzeret (shared)
Barbarian: Larric
Druid: Svenfear
Healer: Beinnfear
Monk: Blueberry
Scout: Tezzeret
Warrior: Tybil
Wizard: Neon
Paladin: Neon
Anti-Paladin: Neon
5:10pm Announcements:
With the return to Amtgard please remember to be kind of each other.
Neon asks that someone please have a sign-in ready, he won’t be out till 4 or so.
Neon may be making a “RC PM Page” with full transparency, send the sign ins to it, ask
questions etc.
Evermore Hollow Midreign April 3rd @ Hunsley Hills Park, no feast.
Tybil is starting a new fighting company called “Children of Etree” - focused around tutoring new
players, garb, weapons building, loaner pieces, etc.
Open to anyone, no petition process.