Skywatch July Allthing 07-28-2019
Start: 3:39
Old Business: Cathan // 2nd All, To donate the large cans of Green beans to the West Texas Food Bank. To be donated in time for Food Fight.
YAY: 4 Nay: 0 Abstain: 2 Motion Passed
Protem Elections: For Champion as announced in the June Allthing.
Harlequin nominated Braum, 2nd Kilt, Braum accepts the nomination.
YAY: 3 Nay: 0 Abstain: 3 Motion Passed, Braum is our new Champion Pro Tem
New Business: Harlequin// Funds for Endreign/Coronation , the amount to be determined later. 2n Kilt.
Harlequin/Braum // To create a loaner weapon bag/set for field use.
Announcements: RedBeard // Anime Sekai has gotten ahold of him and wanted to know who will be attending and what names to be on the badges or Skywatch Volunteer etc. Anime Sekai Sept 19-21.
Harlequin // Class challenges have started. They will be written every week to earn points to buy things from a shop, such as trinkets etc. Harlequin will be keeping track of the points.
Motion to close RedBeard, 2nd Harlequin
Closed : 3:36