Qualls Cultural Breakdown
Date of Tourney: May 5th 2019
Autocrat: Rainai Ironfist
Opal Dragon
Bob the Jester
Valance Draigonnos
Overall with 25 out of 30 points required for Regency (24.7 rounded up)
Gambeson 2.7
Sword 2.2
Anansi Speech 3.7
Handle 3.2
Mask 3.0
Wolf Warrior Sketch in progress 3.7
Court Shirt 3.2
Persona History 3.0
Red Beard
Overall with 32 out of 35 points required for Monarchy
Pickles Sketch 3.0
Tiefling 4.0
Pickle Banner 3.2
Chest 3.8
Pickle of Destiny 3.0
Spicy Pickles 4.2
Relish 4.0
Sweet Dill Pickles 4.3
Pickle Belt Favor 2.5
Not running for office.
Downspear 3.3
Baby Yaga Relic Quest 3.2
Beaded Necklace 2.7
Ogham wands 2.5
Set of Throwing Daggers 3.5
Not running for office
Saracen Belt with Personal Colors 3.3
Squire Belt 3.5
Knightâs Belt 3.5