Skywatch Emergency Allthing April 04/09/2023
Open: 1:04
Motion by Kalin, 2nd Silent : 10 Year Anniversary Funds. Amount to be determined. Tabled
Motion by Kalin, 2nd Sunaki : Move Allthings for Skywatch to the Kingdom Server under Skywatch Field Channel. And to Sus out details later for Day and time. Tabled
Motion by Cathan, 2nd Red Beard: Create / use the New Chat feature that was added to FB Groups called Park Days For For posting pavilion claims and times etc.
Yay 7:, Nay 0, Abstain 1 **Passed*
Braum volunteers, 2nd everyone.
Yay: 6 ,Nay 1, Abstain 1 **Passed. Braum is new GMR
Aleonna, 2nd Kalin: Funds for Endreign/Coronation. Amount TBD.
Jon Jon the Kingdom Champion will have the Kingdom Visit Weapon Master April 23rd. See Jon Jon or event page for more details.
Kingdom Midreign May 20th in Brownfield. 15$ event fee. There will be a lot going on and lots for feast. See kingdom event page for more details
Midreign at Johnson Park April 30th. Event page posted.
Oct 14-15 10 year event. Help is needed for planning.
Motion to close Cathan, 2nd Red Beard
Close: 1:19