Skywatch Allthing February 02/26/2023
Open: 1:02
Elfrida, 2nd Rainai: Motion for Funds for Midreign. The amount to be determined. Motion tabled
Motion by Kalin, 2nd Silent : 10 Year Anniversary Funds. Amount to be determined.
Motion by Kalin, 2nd Sunaki : Move Allthings for Skywatch to the Kingdom Server under Skywatch Field Channel. And to
Sus out details later for Day and time.
Kalin: Midreign is April 30th at Johnson Park.
See kingdom Calendar for upcoming Kingdom and other local park events
5$ hotdogs no change , date to be determined.
Sunaki: Monday Fighter practice every Monday at 6pm at Rose park near the volley Ball court.
Motion to close Cathan, 2nd Red Beard
Close: 1:10