Skywatch June E allthing

Skywatch Althing Notes taken by: Rainai T. Ironfist
Start: 1:09 PM
Old Business:
Discord Althing: Table
Funds for Coronation: Table
Old Business from April: Table (see April minutes)
Fighter Practice and Arts & Science Chats: Table
New Business:
PM Vote
Volunteers: n/a
Nominees: Cathan by Red Beard, seconded by Kalin
Cathan Accepts Nomination
4 For
0 Against
1 Abstain
Vote Passes: Cathan is the new prime minister protem.
Volunteers: n/a
Nominees: Rainai by Red Beard, seconded by Kalin
Rainai accepts nomination
4 For
0 Against
1 Abstain
Vote passes: Rainai is new GMR protem
This weekend is Anime Sekai. Volunteer sheet is on facebook.
Temp badges included with volunteering
Loaners: Unsure is available for selling
Need loaners for the boffer pit.
Age restriction of 14+ for the boffer pit
Bids for Feast for coronation are still open through the next weekend.
Skywatch 10 Year event will be Oct 12 (will be double checking) and will be a 1 day
event held at normal park location.
Festival of Cygnus will be September 1st-4th (labor day weekend)
$45 event fee
Many knightings will be happening. Go show support
Questions on fees were directed to ask Kingdom Monarchy.
Red Beard thinks fees are only for per person and not per vehicle.
$5 Hot Dogs No Change
Skywatch Althing Notes taken by: Rainai T. Ironfist
Motion to Close made by Kalin, Seconded by Red Beard and Cathan.
Althing Closed at 1:19 PM

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