Skywatch March Allthing 04/03/2022

March Allthing 04/03/2022

Start 1:05

Old Business: //Elfrida Motion to request funds for April 24th Feast. Amount to be determined with a current quote being Chilie with beans. 2nd Rainai

Discussion: 180$ was determined and no other bids were made. Plan is for various types of Chilie

Votes: 6 Yay, 0 Nay, 1 Abstain (Motion Passed)

New Business:

//Aleonna: Motion for the Proceeds from our July Coronation Camping event to be dontated to Kingdom. Q: Tink: Will this be all funds? A: Aleonna, Yes We have plenty of money in our coffers. 2nd RedBeard

Discussion: Should we include Midreign with this proposal? A: Aleonna, It would need to be a different item to be voted on.

//Aleonna: Motion for the proceeds from our Midreign to be donated to Kingdom. 2nd Ten


//Aleonna Kingdom Midreign May 14th

Skywatch Coronation April 24th with Chilie Feast $5.00 Feast Fee

Dragon Master A&S Enter stuff and ger awards. It will be in person only, with more details to be posted on the Facebook page.

Still having A&S nights Thursdays at ACU which is free to attend and has lots to offer.

Artwalk April 14th, would like to do Artwalk. Starts at 5pm Lots of activities with a poll to be put on Facebook.

Weaving class Moved to the 21st

Closed 1:35