Skywatch May Allthing 05/26/2019

Skywatch May Allthing 05/26/2019

Start: 1:31

Old Business: Motion by Cathan 2nd by Red Beard. Reimbursement requested for money spent to rent the pavilion for May 5th.

Votes: Yay: 5 Nay:1 Abstain: 2 Motion passed.

New Business: Motion by Harlequin 2nd by Aleonna. Funds for Midreign with the amount to be determined by next Allthing.

Bob the Jester: Requests motion to get travel credits for traveling to the home park. Advised that would have to be brought to the Kingdom Level.


Harlequin: Iron Gates Weaponmaster is Next weekend, Same day as ours.

Redbeard: Our weapon master is next week and will be 5 categories to keep it as short as possible. It will be Iron Man style.

Bob: We are awesome for showing up.

Motion to close: Cathan+Malek 2nd All

Close: 1:40